Tuesday, October 24, 2023


October 22, 2023

The train from Bedous arrived at Pau mid-morning. My friends and I had a nice stroll east along the Boulevard des Pyrenées, passing by a breast cancer walk led by a small band with a tube, banjo and some sort of horn. Very rich sound from just three instruments.

Our destination was a fancy French restaurant (1) where we had a fine meal. 

Pau is the birthplace of Henri IV, known as Good King Henri. He became King of Navarre (2) with its capital at Pau in 1572, becoming King of France in 1589. He was the only Protestant King of France and is best known for the Edict of Nantes, granting the right of free worship to both Protestants and Catholics. He was assassinated by a Catholic zealot in 1610. He was the first Bourbon King of France, establishing the dynasty that would reign until the French Revolution in 1789.

The Château in which Henri was born is open to the public. The building was extensive renovated in the 1800s during the July Monarchy (1830 to 1848), during which King Louis Phillipe I tried to tie his legacy to Good King Henri IV, his distant ancestor.

Searching for dinner before 7:00 was fruitless, so we ate the only place open at the ungodly early hour of 6:30 - KFC (3). I caught the last train to Toulouse.

(1) They served three different kinds of sparkling water.

(2) King Henri III of Navarre, but later Henri IV, King of France.

(3) Pau is fairly close to Spain where any time earlier than 8:00 pm is way too early for dinner.

On Boulevard des Pyrennées
World War II Memorial plaques
Closed on Sunday Mornings
View from Boulevard des Pyrennees 
Pic du Midi. 
My friends think it looks like a fish.
Tuba, banjo, and horn leading breast cancer walk
Former hospital, now convention center.
Château de Pau
Sping tapestry on Château
Fall Tapestry in Château
Main room, Château de Pau
H & M for Henri and his wife Marie. Ubiqitous theme at Château
Église Saint Martin, Pau
Henri IV is even on sewer covers
Pink umbrellas for Breast Cancer Awareness in main square
End of the day

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