Tuesday, October 24, 2023

A rainy day in Paris

October 23, 2023

Flying home to Touluse involved either a 2 or 8 hour layover in Paris, I opted for 8 (1). On the flight to Paris, I asked for "jus d'orange si'l vous plait." The flight attendant responded in perfect English: "Where are you from?" When I said I was American, she responded: "I knew you weren't British, they can never pronounce the 'r' properly in French, but you did (2)." On landing, she told me to enjoy the layover in "our lovely Paris weather" (it was raining).

Hopping off the train at St. Michelle/Ile de la Cité, I had time for a nice meal and a stroll through Luxembourg Gardens in the rain. Notre Dame Cathedral is still being renovated from a fire a number of years ago. On Ile St. Louis, there is a very quiet park with a few benches on the western end of the island at the confluence of two of the three channels of the Seine in this area. I always enjoy the view here, even in the rain. 

(1) Opting for the 8 hour layover was a surprise to the Delta representative from whom I had purchased the ticket; she has apparently not been to Paris before.

(2) So, one letter down, only 25 to go.
Paris in the rain
View of the Pantheon from Luxembourg Garden entrance
Luxembourg Gardens
No translation needed
Notre Dame under reconstruction after the fire 
The Seine from Ile St. Louis
Headed home

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