Monday, January 15, 2024

Rittner Bahn/Ferrovia del Renon

January 15, 2024

Venice weather today was cloudy, while in the Dolomite mountains, clear weather was forecast. We hopped the train towards Bolzano/Bozen in South Tyrol. This region was part of the Austro-Hungarian empire until the first World War (1) and the majority of the population today is still German-speaking (2).

At Bolzano/Bozen, a cable car ascends the steep bluff to the Rittner/Renon plateau at Soprabolzano/Oberbolzan (3). A old-time tram heads east from here through the snow-covered ground to Callalbo/Klobenstein. As the tram approached the town, speed skaters were training at a track visible from the train. A café in the station at Klobenstein serves Apple Streudel & Sachertorte, as people chattered away in German. The ride back was in a more modern tram car.

My daughter had asked the lead singer of a dutch metal band where to visit in Italy, and the singer said Lake Garda. The lake was sort of on the way back to Venice. We stopped for a quick visit at the very quiet Peschiera de Garda, which appears to be a summer resort area.

(1) Italy was neutral in the first World War until the secret Treaty of London promised Italy the region should they join the war on the British/French side. Tyrol is in Austria, while North Tyrol is in Germany. 

(2) At Trento, the first station in South Tyrol, signs and announcements in Italian and German began. Most towns in the region have both Italian and German place names.

(3) Both town names mean above or over Bolzano.
On the cable car
Rittner Bahn
Views of the Dolomites
Back at Oberbozen. Note distinctive church steeple in the background.
Bilingual Italian/German signs at Bolzano
View from the train north of Verona
At Lago di Garda

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