Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Valley of the Temples, Agrigento, Sicily

July 15, 2019

After passing through Enna, we headed southwest on the N 640, which is under heavy construction. We took a side road to a winery near Favara. The host poured us a glass of red directly from a cask. Yum. We purchased a liter, which he poured into a plastic bottle, and which cost the equivalent of US $2.00.

Our destination for the day was Agrigento, home to a large Greek temple complex called the Valley of the Temples (1). In 500 B.C.,  200,000 people lived in the city and built a number of large temples. The complex was well signed (in English), the air was hot but breezy, and we spent the whole afternoon exploring the temples and visiting the Garden of Kolymbethra in a deep valley within the temple complex.

Layer, we headed inland to the hilltop town of Mussomelli, where we stayed tonight. At dinner, there were two Birthday parties going on, so I pointed a lot at the (Italian only) menu to overcome the noise. Looking around, I told my wife (who is more than half Italian) that she could pass for a local. As if to prove me wrong, an English couple soon came over and asked if we were English. She and her husband had been born in Acquaviva, a nearby village, but had spent most of their lives in the UK. Now retired, they have a house in their ancestral village where they spend part of the year.

(1) Although the temple complex is actually on a ridge, a few miles from, and overlooking the,  Mediterranean Sea. 

Driving through Enna
Cleaning up from the Festival, Enna
Foal at road-side
Pouring the $2 per liter wine
Temple of Castor and Pollux
Temple of Hercules
Concordia Temple
Temple of Juno
Temple of Hefestos
In the Garden of Kolymbethra
Cactus in flower

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