Monday, January 1, 2018

The Burren, County Clare

January 1, 2018

Being New Years Day, many shops &c. were closed, but the Doolin Cave was open. Descending 200 feet underground, we were met with the impressive sight of the third largest (known) stalactite in the world in a huge underground cavern. 

The wild Atlantic Way took us along the coast through the Burren, as this rock-strewn area of Ireland is known. The ancient stone walls lining the roads attest to generations of the local inhabitants trying to eke out a living from the scrabbly soil, mainly by sheep herding.

Further up the coast, we came upon the Corcomroe Abbey, which dates back the 12th century. On the way back to our rental cottage, we passed by Kilshanny, and the house where my grandmother was born.

Stalactite, Doolin Cave
The Burren
Storm waves hitting the coast
Corcomroe Abbey
Corcomroe Abbey
Sunset at Ballyvaughn

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