Tuesday, June 4, 2024

A stroll through Lima, Peru

June 4, 2024

The flight home included an overnight layover in Lima, Peru. The Plaza de Mayor (main square), and the site of the seat of the Peruvian government, was cordoned off with portable fencing. Police with riot shields were on patrol, although I observed no threat.

Popping into the Cathedral, the most prominent side altar was dedicated to to Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish Conquistador (conqueror) of the Inca. A small museum nearby displayed clay and metal artifacts for the pre-Columbian period. Being a Tuesday, there were no music or dance events, so it was an early night after dinner and some tasty Peruvian coffee.

Chapel of Francisco Pizarro, Spanish conquistador of Peru. The Pax (peace) seems a bit ironic; the mosaic depicts him taking natives captive.
Mary (carrying Jesus) meets her cousin Elizabeth (carrying John the Baptist). John leaps with joy in Elizabeth's belly on his first encounter with Jesus.
Colorful carpet in Cathedral
Jesus casting non-believers into hell
at the last judgement
The trumpet sounds (tuba mirum), calling the dead back to life.
The final judgement
Rich detail on wooden chest at the Lima Cathedral
Former railway station presents a grand appearance.
Artifacts at the pre-Columbian Museum in Lima
The Cathedral 

First light at Ahu Tongariki

June 3, 2024

Ahu Tongariki faces east looking over the ocean. The sun rises to the east-north-east here in late autumn, so the sun will not rise between the Moai as it does in summer, but it should still be a good visit. On the ride here (1), the waning crescent moon was rising through the scudding clouds.

Stepping carefully over the volcanic soil, flashlight in hand, we positioned ourselves in front of the Moai and waited for first light. Slowly emerging from the gloaming, there was a feeling of the ancestors watching. After an hour or so, some rain showers arrived, signalling our time to depart.

Back at the hotel, I worked on my vitamin D at the pool until about Noon, then walked to the airport (2). One advantage of the storm over the weekend was the residual southwest winds, helping us to arrive early back in Santiago.

(1) Not with Zoe, who likes to sleep late, but Niles and Michelle, the English couple were in the car.

(2) After donning a shell necklace, the traditional gift when leaving Rapa Nui.

First light at Ahu Tongariki
View to Ranu Raraku from Ahu Tongariki
Birdman motif at hotel
The plane arrives
Handing over the plane to the new crew
Airport fire brigade standing by during refueling. Not much else for them to do here.
Outdoor waiting area; very civilized