Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Mokolodi to Pilanesburg

January 2, 2017

We left Mokolodi and drove to to SA border at Romatswa, Botswana. At the border a Botswanan traveller asked if we were going to play the trumpet. I did not understand, so he mimed playing a trumpet and asked if we will play the "Trumpet" for Trump?" I said "no" and we shared a laugh.

We stopped at a chicken place (which are ubiquitous in SA) for lunch. An older man in shirt and tie approached us and said something in a local language that I did not understand. He thought I was a local and was wishing us a good afternoon. We returned the greetings with a Happy New year as well.

We arrived at Manyane and checked into our tent and arranged for a twilight game drive.

The twilight game drive was amazing. We saw a herd of elephants, a dazzle of zebras and a journey of giraffes. A pride of lions crossed right in front of us. After dusk, we saw another herd of elephants. The jeep driver turned off the motor and all the lights. The herd was about 30 feet away and all you could hear was stomp, chomp as they made their way. A mother turned around to a younger elephant, stuck our her trunk, and the baby took hold of the mother's trunk for encouragement.

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